Pendleton House, Salford
Pendleton House, is an 88-home residential development that celebrates the existing building’s strong street frontage by adopting a ‘facade retention’ approach.
The front and side elevations of the original scheme have been retained in the refurbishment design and a new element added to the south with strong, active frontage onto Broughton Road and Broad Street.
Vehicular (19 spaces) and cycle (80 spaces) parking are located behind Pendleton House as part of an integrated landscape solution that includes generous resident garden amenity and a new electricity sub-station.
The building has 2no. access points: the existing Pendleton House entrance on Broughton Road and a new entrance adjacent to the rear parking area off Broad Street at the rear.
Both entrances open into a ground floor lobby with lift and stair access to the upper floors. A fire escape stair is located to the southern end of the site in line with current Building Regulations / Fire Engineering guidance.
A new attic storey to Pendleton House is included in the design, making use of architectural and material detail to match the existing. On top of this a further 2 storeys are added in pale grey brick. These step back from the main building line and continue to a terrace to ensure they are subservient to the main building both formally and materially.
The new building element to the south is comprised of;
A 4 storey mid grey brick volume. This is broken by a soldier course of bricks at level 3 which is aligned with the stone entablature of Pendleton House
2 upper storeys in pale grey brick whose form is modulated by deep recesses. These will create external private balcony spaces for residents and depth and variation to the building’s silhouette and roof line
A complex formal geometry at the Broad Street corner which seeks to address the site’s unusual ‘gateway’ condition. This takes the form of a series of facade ‘planes’ that are orientated the west, south west, south and south east. This is achieved in a form that is respectful of the outlook and amenity of the existing buildings on Broad Street.
The building’s layout allows the provision of landscaped ‘defensible space’ where the building meets the street. This ensures the privacy and amenity of residents living at ground floor whilst helping to ‘ground’ the building and integrate it with the street. External shared garden amenity is also provided in the form of a sunken garden to the south and generous gardens to the rear (east).
The scheme is fully compliant with the Nationally described space standards.
Design and Build