Former Tillie & Henderson Site, Derry City

This new development is proposed on one of the most important sites on the Gateway to the City and occupies a site overlooking the river and addressoing the Historic Centre.

A palette of respectful yet quality contemporary materials is proposed, predominantly in brick and to a mass and scale that echoes the former and local industrial heritage of the area.

The development proposes a mix of uses including hotel, residential apartments and commercial (retail) units all of which have differing design characteristics and requirements based on particular hotel efficiency and operator standards, residential marketability and commercial needs (e.g. area / height etc).

  • – Hotel – 139 no bedrooms
  • – Residential – 15 no units
  • – Commercial Space
  • – Car parking spaces 60 Number (in curtilage)

  • Client

    Andras House Ltd

  • Locations

    Carlisle Square, Londonderry

  • Value

    Circa £18m

  • Role


  • Procurement

    Traditional (anticipated)

  • Stage

    Stage D complete – Planning Application Lodged