Altnagelvin Paediatrics Refurbishment and Extension

Located within the refurbished ground and first floors of the existing treatment wing, the new unit will include two double storey extension links and the creation of secure, accessible landscaped courtyards / external play areas.

The scheme incorporates both outpatient and inpatient facilities, consultation rooms, day case facilities, a sensory room, a dedicated adolescent area, an inpatients’ department comprising 25 single bedrooms with dedicated en-suites and an additional three bedroom ward.

The environment has been designed so that children are greeted, diagnosed and treated in an environment that is as non-clinical as possible. The design allows for the full, uninterrupted operation of the existing Paediatric Services for the duration of the works, ensuring continuity of service.

  • Client

    Western Health & Social Care Trust

  • Locations

    Altnagelvin Hospital

  • Procurement


  • Stage
